How to install Foswiki on Mac OS X Leopard

The easiest way to install on Mac OS is to use the .dmg, which you can download from the downloads area

Update the instructions on this page with your Mac username setting:
Your short username:

Installing from Subversion

This FAQ is aimed primarily at developers, and is for users familiar with Subversion and the command line, including the nano text editor.

Checkout the code from Subversion in your Sites folder:
cd ~/Sites/
mkdir foswiki
cd foswiki
svn co .  # Include the last dot!
cd core

Point Apache to the new folder:
sudo nano /private/etc/apache2/users/shortusername.conf

In some installations this may be:
sudo nano /private/etc/apache2/others/<yourname>.conf

In the file write at the bottom line:
Include /Users/shortusername/Sites/foswiki/core/foswiki_httpd.conf

Write foswiki_httpd.conf:
  1. First go to
  2. Copy the text
  3. Edit the text in TextEdit:
    • Comment-out the block at "Limit access to configure to specific IP addresses and or users" by putting a # before each line
  4. In the Terminal, type nano /Users/shortusername/Sites/foswiki/core/foswiki_httpd.conf, paste text and save
Set the file access rights:
  1. Visit SettingFileAccessRightsLinuxUnix
  2. Copy the text
  3. Still in the core directory, type sudo -v (enter password)
  4. Paste the text, hit return
Make the bin folder executable:
echo "SetHandler cgi-script" >bin/.htaccess

Make files readable by the webserver:
  1. Still in the core directory, type:

sudo chown -R www:www ../

Restart the webserver:
sudo apachectl restart

Install default (and development) extensions
  • In folder core, type:

perl -A developer

Visit configure:
  • Go to http://localhost/~shortusername/foswiki/core/bin/configure
  • Ignore the warnings and errors, click Next and create a password
  • Go back to configure.
    • Change the settings of {RCS}{FgrepCmd} and {RCS}{EgrepCmd} by putting /usr before the paths
    • Change the setting of {ScriptUrlPath} to /foswiki/core/bin
-- Authors: ArthurClemens, WillNorris

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Topic revision: r22 - 27 Dec 2011, ArthurClemens
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